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发表于 2012-11-22 14:13:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
免费域名又来了!而且这次是免费.me域名,正常注册一年得要10多美元,现在一家来自法国的域名注册商,gandi.net(甘地),提供免费.me域名注册。这家域名注册商在域名界的评价还不错。前几年提供了免费.co.uk域名的注册,使用还不错。目前他们家在火狐雷鸟(Mozilla Thunderbird)邮件客户端做.ME域名免费一年的域名优惠活动(官方博客)。使用雷鸟邮件客户端,可申请.ME域名,首年免费。  W4 L# G% B* D( L
( `2 I; j% o! T. U; m1 MA very special program! From now until December 31st 2012, if you have the last version of Mozilla Thunderbird, you can benefit from a free personal .ME email address at Gandi.net." b" Z+ ?0 B9 C* v4 _; i9 o
But the cherry on top is that the address will be automatically configured for your Thunderbird!$ p! |5 w: K! [% z# [
To do this, simply install the last version of Mozilla Thunderbird (you can download it here if needed).* d% V  U! F& E$ O
Once installed, when you create your email address, it will offer you a personalized email address based on your first and last name, which you would have previously entered. The difference is that the .ME registry and Gandi will offer you the domain name for free for one year starting from the creation date!' |' n! {8 [& a) T3 a+ ^/ m! ]
This exceptional offer is only valid until December 31st 2012, and only via Thunderbird!
, |1 O& }# S  G- mNote: only one .ME per person will be offered. In the case of an abuse of this offer, all of the domains will be deleted and the account will be blocked.
2 d" y& [* C% \' N+ n8 O地址:http://www.gandi.net/news/en/201 ... _.me_and_gandi_too/( l4 U4 a% a8 g, E
【注册教程】, Y  M- Z5 ~# ]
首先下载火狐雷鸟邮件客户端,下载地址:/ V' y, Q* R1 v8 {
! D6 h& B  A- B- `安装成功Thunderbird之后,打开软件,会提示是否需要一个新的电子邮件地址:5 T8 R' S0 t. y
1 g2 m1 N, S$ o* @$ Z0 }在搜索框中输入你需要注册的.ME域名。点击gandi.net的栏目,然后勾选.ME[url=http://www.ziliaoboke.com/]域名
! f4 r& J1 A# Z) H- v然后Thunderbird在客户端中进入一个窗口,这里显示的是你需要注册的域名:. m; y3 U- g$ f; b
2 H8 F8 G5 m& ^: l点击Buy。  {' s3 V  V5 I4 A7 Q% l& L! j
点击左边的Create an account创建一个新帐户:6 w! G( i. Z7 t% ^# z% K8 i4 _

  }! G8 p$ f. H7 x% s创建账户的过程大地就不详细说了,填写很简单的几个选项即可。- \3 J& Q* n* k0 X( K
% ]) U$ {, L" L" v% e1 u4 D9 O[/url]
9 z# P3 I% g2 X5 `' o点击Submit提交。
% t! k: p% I; f会提示输入发往你邮箱的密码。
- a* x$ Y$ s- x* A9 Z, U) D* V9 C很快你的邮箱地址将会收到来自gandi.net的邮件:8 v' `3 w$ d: i  `
( b7 h4 X8 A; N4 B+ f
( @$ h4 A  z$ f[/url]' V4 f. }$ M6 I% H! j- ]
恭喜你,这时候注册就完成了!4 A) N2 D3 l: m6 t  U* H
4 D7 P& Q" e% b8 @" I2 m) l成功注册后Thunderbird会给出如下截图中的提示,你可以直接用[url=mailto:contact@youname.me]contact@youname.me
来收发邮件:" T" E7 O: [$ {7 l# O# C* l+ X
+ z( p  x+ I4 L4 ?: \# E同时你登录[url=https://www.gandi.net/]gandi.net
(登录页面),建议在右上角选择咱们熟悉的英文网站语言,登录的用户名极为类似HL1234-GANDI的客户号,此客户号可用于修改账户密码,通过发送到你的邮箱。5 M; Z9 Q9 E! `$ R( J2 @
登录成功之后在他们家域名列表中显示刚申请的.ME域名。' ]8 |; o0 J/ U
[url=http://www.ziliaoboke.com/wp-content/2012/11/gandi8.png][/url]) Y2 {, R2 o- |' o
【结语】' s% b' \! c$ H. i+ s
This exceptional offer is only valid until December 31st 2012, and only via Thunderbird!
( ~6 ~" u) b# v( v! T2012年12月31日结束,还有不少时间,只有通过Thunderbird雷鸟邮件客户端注册,需要的上吧!, Q) `8 l/ I4 a! x! }9 q
【忠告】/ {  P4 @8 y" `* J; w8 E4 d
1、只注册自已需要的,不要因为免费而滥注。让外国人对中国的网民有看法。* w4 Q7 ^% x) `) D
2、不要把免费.me域名用在有违中国及法国法律法规的网站上,构建和谐社会需要你我共同的努力!# p! P& l8 h& e& L4 H


您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?立即注册

发表于 2013-3-15 11:13:01 | 显示全部楼层

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